
Exceptional Parents Unlimited (EPU)

Olivia Arnold, Director of Fund development, EPU Children Center expressed her appreciation to the Isnardi Foundation as follows:

“VIncent Tocchini Isnardi’s philosophy of life was to ‘treat everyone with dignity and respect.’ His dedication to reduce inequality and protect and promote humanity and dignity for all people is inspirational and a great role model for us to do what we can to help others. On behalf of the 800 children and families we serve here in Fresno County, we are thankful for the tremendous passion, leadership and overwhelming generosity the Isnardi Foundation has bestowed on Exceptional Parent Unlimited (EPU) throughout the years,helping give the children childhoods and future they deserve. Support from the Isnardi Foundation has funded a variety of capital projects, including a safe, beautiful, and accessible space for children with special medical needs. Vincents legacy lives on by bringing hope and support to families, so ALL children, can thrive and have a brighter future”